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We are funded by you. Donate to support our work. Those black-clad Bristol activists reveal the misogyny and authoritarianism of the trans movement. To that end, on Sunday they attempted to disrupt a public meeting in Bristol. The overwhelmingly female attendees at the meeting were jeered at, threatened and eventually corralled into a city-centre pub, which was then surrounded by the baying mob. And that matters because we know men are more violent than women, so we need separate spaces. Typical neo-Nazi tactics. Yet looking at the bully boys in paramilitary gear it seems clear that the authoritarian threat here comes firmly from the manarchist left. It would be easy to laugh this off, were it not for the fact that throughout history similar groups of blinkered, arrogant young men have been responsible for atrocities. There is a yawning chasm between the image held in the minds of well-meaning, liberal Guardian readers about trans activists and the reality of the Black Pampers. Whether they identify as trans is irrelevant, on Sunday a group of sweaty bullies hurled sexualised insults at women. Through their protest, the Black Pampers showed the authoritarianism and bigotry that is driving the trans-rights movement. But arguably, what is even more chilling is that the ideology these activists espouse has penetrated every public institution through so-called diversity training. The views of the Black Pampers are not anti-establishment, they are shared by the establishment. This is precisely why groups like SfW have formed — to fight back against this new elite orthodoxy. Forgotten your password? But to keep it that way, we ask loyal readers like you to support our work. For as little as £5 per month, you can join , our online donor community, and enjoy ad-free reading, access to our comments section, free online events and more.

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