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Harry whimpered. I do hope you can join again next time! It kept coming and going, each time closer than the other, he couldn't take much more of this, he pushed again… and screamed! He was doing this for the Master. Out of spite Lucius whispered two Engorgio charms while he was fucking Severus cunt and the poor slave screamed hoarsely as the organ became too big too soon for him to be comfortable with. Please consider turning it on! It was a completely new sensation, the dog fur itched against his sweaty back and its claws tore at the skin on his shoulders when it decided to hold him down to better hump him. It will only hurt for a moment," said Dumbledore giving Harry's shoulder a little squeeze. This was ridiculous. The dark haired man remained quiet but his eyes betrayed his fear, too many years had passed since Severus had last felt secure. He had no way to show his misery except for the few tears that escaped his eyes and the group of mediwizards laughed at him and his predicament.

He hasn't had any intercourse for quite a while I presume. He had a mostly male form now, his breasts having diminished almost to a teenager's breasts, quite sweet in Lucius' opinion. As he cried out in pain the blonde man conjured a gag to keep him quiet and sped his thrusts, ripping Severus apart and making him scream more and more in agony. So much knowledge was lost, he thought, only to satisfy my petty wish…. Even though he tried his best to contain it, Harry couldn't stop a tear from flowing out of his eye and dripping down his cheek. He began to see that being a pet was more than just being used sexually. It was the Malfoy crest.

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Unfortunately after one hour and a half his legs had lost sensation and he couldn't keep himself up anymore, he let his butt sink into the cocks and as soon as he'd closed his eyes in defeat Lucius walked inside the hall. Among the organs I have decided to preserve is his bladder. Org is not in any way associated with or related to FanFiction. GOD yes I loved that. While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The woman in the white coat that came every week had told him that she knew where the Master was. Harry thrust only twice more before he came as well. A Yule miracle, indeed! Just a short while ago the site of make-up would have made him jump, in comparison to all the things they had done to him, make-up wasn't all that shocking. I'm the Minister for Magic! Dumbledore took off Harry's glasses and did a quick spell and everything in front of him was clear. Lucius had explained that the hands were one of the features that distinguished human beings from other animals and since Severus was not a human being anymore he had no right to use his hands, they were now to be used as hooves. The main lights flicked on and Harry now out of his pleasure induced haze was all too aware that he was naked covered in cum and his voice was hoarse from shouting words of pleasure. Before he was finished Lucius peed on Severus arse and back, making him lick the floor clean one more time.

Fic: My Pet Harry (Chapter 5): hardcore_hp — LiveJournal

  • I am not a virgin, Potter.
  • Lucius quickly positioned him on all fours and after mere seconds plunged his turgid member inside Severus… cunt?
  • The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner.
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  • Severus crawled back to the Master's feet and waited for more orders.
  • It was too small for Severus pierce his heart with it, he'd have to carve into his chest first.

Title: The End of Obsession, Ch. Recommend this entry Has been recommended Send news. Log in No account? Create an account. Remember me. QR code. Previous Share Flag Next. But as Harry down this path who knows where it will end. It seemed to Harry to take hours before they finally reached the front of the room, walking past men who leered at his small body clad only in a corset, stockings, and heels, his penis, arse, and nipples exposed for all to see. He could hear the not so whispered comments about the suckability of his pierced nipples, or the plumpness of his arse. Harry stood on the stage looking out at the audience full of men leering at him. He quickly adverted his eyes to the ground. He felt a warm body at his back as Snape approached him. Snape reached around him playing with his nipples and finally giving the rings a little tug. Some of the men in the front row, who were close enough to hear it, chuckled.

Severus truly thought he could combust. But then it moved upward, towards his now weeping cock. But Harry paid no attention to Severus, severus pamper harry cock fanfiction, simply carried on his conversation with McGonagall. Severus fought back a long moan when Harry palmed his cock, dropping his fork as he did. Severus whined softly, and when Harry shot him a glare, he silenced himself. So he remained still while Harry teased and tortured him, bringing him to the edge of orgasm before taking his hand away. Dessert appeared on the table, and, without being asked, Severus placed a large slice of treacle tart in front of Harry.

Severus pamper harry cock fanfiction. Fic: My Pet Harry (Chapter 5)

By: Shinigami no miko Severus becomes Lucius' slave and is slowly driven out of his mind. This fic contains: slash, violence, hermaphroditism, bondage, severe master and slave relationship, Mpreg, bestiality, Non Con, gang bang, psychological abuse, suicide, main character death and a nice Dark Lord, severus pamper harry cock fanfiction. You have been warned! Disclaimer: This is one of those fics where you can find everything you want, from mild bondage to bestiality and MPreg. If you don't like these, don't chusteczki nawilżane hipp skład it! You have been warned. I enjoyed myself immensely while writing this and now that it's finished I'd love to hear your suggestions. Should I write a sequence explaining facts and situations I skipped in this one? Should I make Lucius pay for his sins? Should I shut up? Please, severus pamper harry cock fanfiction, tell me what you think! I live for reviews! As soon as he opened his eyes Severus knew he was busted. He felt stupid, being caught after almost two years on the run from his pissed Death Eater ex-colleagues, but right now, it didn't matter anymore, all his effort, all the suffering, the slight freedom of being wanted but not caught… all that, was over, and today his life was about to come to an end much, much worse than death. He knew exactly what was about severus pamper harry cock fanfiction happen to him, the pristine white environment, the straps tying him to the table and of course the mediwizards that were preparing the injection that would change his life from barely livable to a complete hell.

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While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. Damian Green was a normal writer when he was suddenly transmigrated into the body of Severus Snape.

This is ridiculous! The woman came close to him and Severus shivered even more, this time in disgust. Post a new comment.

HARRY POTTER FANFICTION 🐍 Draco's Punishment #Snaco

Author: Tukazahn

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